The Sanity of Satiety

The Sanity of Satiety

Satiety is the experience of fullness from receiving the proper nourishment. When you sit down to eat a meal, you are most likely looking to satisfy your deep-seated need to feel full.

Internally your brain is saying, “Hey there! There glucose levels in your blood stream are too low - TIME TO EAT!” And so you stroll (or run) over to the fridge, or that cafe on the corner, for a quick fix or maybe a nourishing salad.

There are a few physiological things that need to happen in order for your body to signal that it is getting the nourishment it needs.  Physiologically, your blood glucose, amino acids, and fatty acid levels need to rise to normal levels. 


Eating the right combination of nutrients can make you feel fuller longer. Nutrients like protein, fat and fiber-rich carbohydrates increase satiety while helping you meet your nutritional needs.”

Certain nutrients can increase our feelings of fullness more than others, like protein.  “A 2005 study in "The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition" showed that a high protein diet increased satiety and decreased appetite and calorie intake.”

According to the Journal, most people would benefit from getting 25-35 grams of protein per meal and snacks with half of that. Most Americans, especially women, are not reaching these higher levels of protein consumption.


Low energy levels and cravings may be because you are not getting the right amount of nutrients to meet your body's needs to feel full.   Planning before hand so you don't skip meals and really nourishing yourself is super important.

Having a whole food diet creates a greater feeling of fullness leaving less room for those sneaky cravings for quick fix, non-nutritious food to take ahold of you.  You deserve to eat well and to have all the energy you need to live a full life.


Don't let food hinder you from living life to its fullest, but instead use it as medicine, as a sacred way to live well. Share your thoughts below, we'd love to hear them!